Creating transports for WebSphere® MQ
To record interactions with IBM® WebSphere® MQ, you must set up transports to provide information about the infrastructure of these systems. HCL OneTest™ API uses a decoupled, plug-in architecture to provide maximum flexibility for the messaging transport software in use by a system under test.
Before you begin: Set up IBM® WebSphere® MQ and install the HRVMMQF Agent as described in Setting up IBM WebSphere MQ and installing the HRVMMQF agent.
A messaging transport provides the information that HCL OneTest™ API needs to communicate with applications.
The program code for each transport is contained in one or more JAR files (libraries), which are
stored in HCL OneTest™ API
directory. Any libraries upon which these plug-ins depend must be
accessible to HCL OneTest™ API. The JAR files are in
the installation directories of the installed products. You must configure JAR files to support
transports for IBM®
WebSphere® MQ. To configure these
third-party libraries, use Library Manager (see Working with Library Manager).
You can test system Z applications for WebSphere® MQ on z/OS because HCL OneTest™ API uses the same JAR files as WebSphere® MQ on distributed systems. If you do not have MQ installed, see API Tester Reference for WebSphere® MQ for configuration instructions.
For information about setting up these components, see Creating a service component. For information about setting up WebSphere® MQ transports in HCL OneTest™ API, see Configuring WebSphere MQ transports.