Recording FIX traffic
You can use HCL OneTest™ API and an HTTP/TCP proxy to record FIX traffic.
Before you begin
- Install the HCL OneTest HTTP/TCP Proxy, and configure it to record FIX traffic by setting type=fix. See Modifying the configuration settings of the HTTP/TCP proxy.
- Ensure that the proxy is registered with HCL® Quality Server. For more information, see Viewing running proxies.
About this task
FIX messages are sent over TCP/IP, so an HTTP/TCP proxy is used in FIX recording and stubbing. For more information, see Recording TCP traffic.
- Double-click an existing FIX transport in
the Physical View window to modify it.For information about creating and modifying FIX transports in HCL OneTest™ API, see The FIX transport.
- On the Config tab of the FIX Connection dialog, click the Recording tab.
- Select an option for Recording Mode. For more information, see FIX transport - Recording details.
- Click OK.
- In Recording Studio, create an event monitor for the FIX transport. For more information, see Monitoring operations or transports.
- In the Event Monitor window,
select the monitor for the FIX transport and click Start