API Testing
You can use find information about the tasks that you can perform for testing various domains, technologies, or applications.
The following testing methods are described:
- Testing Java applications
- Testing Java Message Service (JMS) systems
- Testing Java objects
- Testing with Apache Camel components
- Testing with Apache Kafka
- Testing with Docker
- Testing with the email transport
- Testing with Envoy Proxy (Experimental)
- Testing with the File transport
- Testing with the FIX transport
- Testing with the HTTP transport
- Testing with IBM API Developer Portals
- Testing with IBM App Connect Enterprise
- Testing with IBM Integration Bus
- Testing with IBM WebSphere Application Server
- Testing with IBM WebSphere MQ messages
- Testing with WebSphere Portal
- Testing with IBM z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition
- Testing with Istio
- Testing with Kubernetes
- Testing with Microsoft .NET objects
- Testing with MongoDB
- Testing with the MQ telemetry transport
- Testing with Oracle Fusion
- Testing with RabbitMQ
- Testing with SAP applications
- Testing with Software AG CentraSite
- Testing with Software AG Universal Messaging
- Testing with Software AG webMethods
- Testing with TCP and UDP transportsTesting with TIBCO applications
- Testing applications on z/OS
- Configuration of virtual IP addresses as virtual clients
- Security vulnerabilities testing by using HCL AppScan