Displaying the audit configuration

About this task

To display the current audit configuration use the -c option of the onaudit utility.


  • On UNIX™, the following example shows output from the onaudit -c command.
    onaudit -c
    Onaudit -- Audit Subsystem Control Utility
    Copyright (c) IBM Corp., 1998 - 2010
    Current audit system configuration:
       ADTMODE	   = 1
       ADTERR     = 0
       ADTPATH    = /tmp
       ADTSIZE    = 20000
       Audit file = 64
       ADTROWS    = 0
    In the preceding example, the current audit system is configured as follows:
    • ADTMODE is set to 1, which indicates that database server-managed auditing is on.
    • ADTERR is set to 0, which indicates a continue error mode.
    • ADTPATH shows the default directory for audit files.
    • ADTSIZE, which represents the maximum size of the audit file, is specified as 20,000 bytes.
    • The number of the current audit file in the current audit directory is 64.
    • ADTROWS is set to 0, which indicates that selective row-level auditing is turned off.

    If you are user onedb, you can also retrieve this information from the SMI sysadtinfo table in the sysmaster database. For details, see the HCL OneDB™ Administrator's Reference.

  • On Windows™, the example shows output from the onaudit -c command.
    onaudit -c
    Onaudit -- Audit Subsystem Control Utility
    Current audit system configuration:
       ADTMODE			= 1
       ADTERR			= 0
       ADTPATH			= %ONEDB_HOME%/aaodir
       ADTESIZE 		= 50000
       Audit file 	= 0
    	 ADTROWS			= 0
    In the preceding example, the current audit system is configured as follows:
    • ADTMODE is set to 1, which indicates that database server-managed auditing is on.
    • ADTERR is set to 0, which indicates a continue error mode.
    • ADTPATH shows the default directory for audit files.
    • ADTSIZE, which represents the maximum size of the audit file, is specified as 50,000 bytes.
    • The number of the current audit file in the current audit directory is 0, meaning that no other audit file exists in the current series.
    • ADTROWS is set to 0, which indicates that selective row-level auditing is turned off.