Use the onstat -g dmp command to display
information about raw memory at a given address for a number of given
Each address and length must be within the allocated memory
shown from onstat -g seg output. The address specified can
be in decimal or hexadecimal format. Hexadecimal addresses must begin
with 0x. You can specify the address in decimal,
but doing so requires converting the memory shown from onstat -g
seg to decimal before using it as a command line argument.
Example output
Output description
Memory address of the raw memory.
bytes in mem
Hexadecimal and ASCII representations of the memory contents.
Output from the command is divided into three columns:
memory address, hexadecimal values for the bytes in memory, and the
ASCII representation of the bytes in memory. The bytes in memory (middle)
section displays the first 16 bytes of memory starting at the address
specified on the command line. The third column shows the ASCII representation
of the hexadecimal data. Periods are displayed for all hexadecimal
values that do not have an ASCII character equivalent. ASCII values
are shown in order to make searching for plain text easier.
the example output shown, the fifth line of data displays zeros and
the sixth line contains an asterisk. The asterisk indicates an unknown
number of repetitions of the previous line, which means that there
is no more data after the fourth line.