About this task
For background information and the rules for determining
where temporary smart large objects are stored, see Temporary sbspaces. You can store temporary
smart large objects in a standard or temporary sbspace. You can add
or drop chunks in a temporary sbspace.
To create a temporary
sbspace with a temporary smart large object:
- Allocate space for the temporary sbspace.
details, see
Allocate disk space.
information about SBSPACETEMP, see the configuration parameters topics
in the HCL OneDB™
Administrator's Reference.
- Create the temporary sbspace as the following example shows:
onspaces -c -S tempsbsp -t -p ./tempsbsp -o 0 -s 1000
- You can specify any of the following onspaces options:
- Specify a metadata area and offset (-Ms and -Mo).
- Specify storage characteristics (-Df).
cannot turn on logging for a temporary sbspace.
- Set the SBSPACETEMP configuration parameter to the name
of the default temporary sbspace storage area.
the database server.
- Use onstat -d to display the temporary
For information and an example of onstat
-d output, see the onstat utility in
the HCL OneDB
Administrator's Reference.
- Specify the LO_CREATE_TEMP flag when you create a temporary
smart large object.
Using DataBlade® API:
Using :
For information about creating smart large objects, see
the HCL OneDB
DataBlade API Programmer's
Guide and HCL OneDB
ESQL/C Programmer's Manual.