String-Manipulation Functions

String-manipulation functions perform various operations on strings of characters.

The string-manipulation functions are identified in the following diagram:
String-Manipulation Functions

|--+-| CONCAT Function |----------------------+-----------------|
   |                    (2)                   |   
   +-| ASCII Function |-----------------------+   
   |                   (3)                    |   
   +-| TRIM Function |------------------------+   
   |  (4)                     (5)             |   
   +-------| LTRIM Function |-----------------+   
   |  (4)                     (6)             |   
   +-------| RTRIM Function |-----------------+   
   |                    (7)                   |   
   +-| SPACE Function |-----------------------+   
   |                      (8)                 |   
   +-| REVERSE Function |---------------------+   
   |  (4)                       (9)           |   
   +-------| REPLACE Function |---------------+   
   |  (4)                    (10)             |   
   +-------| LPAD Function |------------------+   
   |  (4)                    (11)             |   
   +-------| RPAD Function |------------------+   
   |                  (12)                    |   
   +-| CHR Function |-------------------------+   
   |                          (14)            | 
   +-|SOUNDEX Function |----------------------+ 
   |                          (15)            |   
   +-------| Case-Conversion Functions |------+   
   |                               (16)       |   
   |-| Substring Functions |------------------| 

Sections that follow describe each of the built-in string manipulation functions.