Using the WITH CRCOLS Option
Use the WITH CRCOLS keywords to create two shadow columns that Enterprise Replication uses for conflict resolution. The first column, cdrserver, contains the identity of the database server where the last modification occurred. The second column, cdrtime, contains the time stamp of the last modification. You must add these columns before you can use time stamps for UDR conflict resolution. These two columns are hidden shadow columns, because they cannot be indexed and cannot be viewed in system catalog tables.
For most database operations, the cdrserver and cdrtime columns
are hidden. For example, if you include the WITH CRCOLS keywords when
you create a table, the cdrserver and cdrtime columns
have the following behavior:
- They are not returned by queries that specify an asterisk ( *
) as the projection list, as in the statement:
SELECT * FROM tablename;
- They do not appear in DB-Access when you ask for information about the columns of the table.
- They are not included in the number of columns (ncols) in the systables system catalog table entry for tablename.
To view the contents of cdrserver and cdrtime, you
must explicitly specify the columns in the projection list of a SELECT
statement, as the following example shows:
SELECT cdrserver, cdrtime FROM tablename;
For more information about how to use this option, refer to the HCL OneDB™ Enterprise Replication Guide.