Preparing Multiple SQL Statements
In ESQL/C, you can execute several SQL statements as one action if you include them in the same PREPARE statement. Multistatement text is processed as a unit; actions are not treated sequentially. Therefore, multistatement text cannot include statements that depend on actions that occur in a previous statement in the text. For example, you cannot create a table and insert values into that table in the same prepared statement block.
If a statement in a multistatement prepare returns an error, the whole prepared statement stops executing. The database server does not execute any remaining statements. In most situations, compiled products return error-status information on the error, but do not indicate which statement in the text causes an error. You can use the sqlca.sqlerrd[4] field in the sqlca to find the offset of the errors.
- UPDATE ...; WHERE ...;
In the next example, four SQL statements are prepared into a single string called query. Individual statements are delimited with semicolons.
sprintf (query, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s", "update account set balance = balance + ? ", "where acct_number = ?;", "update teller set balance = balance + ? ", "where teller_number = ?;", "update branch set balance = balance + ? ", "where branch_number = ?;", "insert into history values (?, ?);"; EXEC SQL prepare qid from :query; EXEC SQL begin work; EXEC SQL execute qid using :delta, :acct_number, :delta, :teller_number, :delta, :branch_number, :timestamp, :values; EXEC SQL commit work;
Here the semicolons ( ; ) are required as SQL statement-terminator symbols between each SQL statement in the text that query holds.