Using the IN Clause to Trap Specific Exceptions
An error is trapped if the SQL error
code or the ISAM error code matches an exception code in the list
of error numbers. The search through the list of errors begins from
the left and stops with the first match. You can use a combination
of an ON EXCEPTION statement without an IN clause and one or more
ON EXCEPTION statements with an IN clause. When an error occurs, the
database server searches for the last declaration of the ON EXCEPTION
statement that traps the particular error code.
CREATE PROCEDURE ex_test() DEFINE error_num INT; ... ON EXCEPTION SET error_num -- action C END EXCEPTION ON EXCEPTION IN (-300) -- action B END EXCEPTION ON EXCEPTION IN (-210, -211, -212) SET error_num -- action A END EXCEPTION
A summary of the sequence of statements in the previous example
would be:
- Test for an error.
- If error
, or -212
occurs, take actionA
. - If error
occurs, take actionB
. - If any other error occurs, take action