Examples of expanding year values

The examples in this topic illustrate how various settings of DBCENTURY cause abbreviated years to be expanded in DATE and DATETIME values.


Example data type: DATE
Current date: 4/6/2003
User enters: 1/1/1
Prefix with "19" expansion : 1/1/1901
Prefix with "20" expansion: 1/1/2001
Analysis: Both are prior to current date, but 1/1/2001 is closer to
 current date.
Important: The effect of DBCENTURY depends on the current date from the system clock-calendar. Thus, 1/1/1, the abbreviated date in this example, would instead be expanded to 1/1/1901 if the current date were 1/1/2001 and DBCENTURY = P.


Example data type: DATETIME year to month
Current date: 5/7/2005
User enters: 1-1
Prefix with "20" expansion: 2001-1
Prefix with "21" expansion: 2101-1
Analysis: Only date 2101-1 is after the current date, so it is chosen.


Example data type: DATE
Current date: 4/6/2000
User enters: 1/1/1
Prefix with "19" expansion : 1/1/1901
Prefix with "20" expansion: 1/1/2001
Prefix with "21" expansion: 1/1/2101
Analysis: Here 1/1/2001 is closest to the current date, so it is chosen.


Example data type: DATETIME year to month
Current date: 4/6/2000
User enters: 1-1
Prefix with "20" expansion: 2001-1

Example data type: DATE
Current date: 4/6/2003
User enters: 0/1/1
Prefix with "20" expansion: 2000/1
Analysis: In both examples, the Prefix with "20" algorithm is used.

Setting DBCENTURY does not affect HCL OneDB™ products when the locale specifies a non-Gregorian calendar, such as Hebrew or Islamic calendars. The leading digits of the current year are used for alternative calendar systems when the year is abbreviated.

Setting DBCENTURY does not affect HCL OneDB products when the locale specifies a non-Gregorian calendar. The leading digits of the current year are used for alternative calendar systems when the year is abbreviated.