Machine notes for Windows

                            MACHINE SPECIFIC NOTES
                HCL OneDB Database Server PRODUCT RELEASE
                               ON Windows x64
                               DATE: 30 Dec 2021

OS Information : Built on Windows 2016 x64.. Certified on
		  Windows 2019.

System Requirements

1.  This product is built on Windows 2016 using the following compiler from
    Microsoft Visual Studio 2017:

        Microsoft Visual C++ 2017

2.  Informix Server uninstallation

    Due to an issue in installer tool, the registry entries created by
    installer will not be automatically removed after Informix server
    uninstall. The work around is to cleanup existing registry entries under

3.  HCL OneDB Database Server uses the libraries and utilities provided by
    OpenSSL, for data encryption and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communication.
    The OpenSSL library is not included with this product and must be
    installed separately.

    More information about OpenSSL can be found at

4.  Installation Prerequisite on Windows 2016 or Later Versions

    User may need to temporarily turn off User Account Control(UAC) security
    before you install HCL OneDB.

    For information about how to create groups, add users to groups, and
    turn off User Account Control, see your Windows documentation.

(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2017
(C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2017, 2021. All Rights Reserved.