The etx_HiliteType data type

The data type etx_HiliteType is a named row type defined by the module as follows:
CREATE ROW TYPE etx_HiliteType
   vec_offset CLOB,
   viewer_doc BLOB
The etx_HiliteType data type is the data type of the information returned by the etx_GetHilite() and etx_HiliteDoc() routines. These routines are used to highlight the location of a clue in a document. The following example shows how to use the etx_GetHilite() function in a SELECT statement:
SELECT etx_GetHilite (description, rc) FROM videos
    WHERE etx_contains(description, 
    'multimedia',  rc # etx_ReturnType);

In the example, rc is the statement local variable (SLV) passed to the function etx_GetHilite().

Highlighting information is broken up into two parts: offset information about the location of the clue in a document and the document itself. The offset information is contained in the vec_offset field of the etx_HiliteType data type and the document is contained in the viewer_doc field.