Create a stopword list

To create a stopword list, use the etx_CreateStopWlst() routine to indicate the name of the stopword list, the location of the operating system file that currently contains the list of stopwords, and the name of the sbspace that will contain the list.

You can use your own operating system file of stopwords or copy the one provided by the module and edit it for your own use. The list of standard stopwords provided by the DataBlade® module is called:
where version is the current version of the DataBlade module installed on your computer.
For example, to create a stopword list named my_stopwordlist from /local0/excal/stp_word and contained in the sbspace named sbsp1, execute the following statement:
    ('my_stopwordlist', '/local0/excal/stp_word', 'sbsp1');

The file must not contain only one stopword per line. The file must not contain any proprietary formatting information and must consist only of characters made available to the index by the CHAR_SET index parameter when the index was created.

To insert a new stopword into an existing stopword list, use the etx_DropStopWlst() procedure to drop the list, add the stopword to the operating system file, and then recreate the stopword list by using the routine etx_CreateStopWlst().