The LO-pointer structure
To open a smart large object for read and write operations, the program must have an LO-pointer structure for the smart large object. This structure contains the disk address and a unique hexadecimal identifier for a smart large object.
To create an LO-pointer structure for a new smart large object,
use the ifx_lo_copy_to_file() function. The ifx_lo_copy_to_file() function
performs the following tasks:
- It initializes an LO-pointer structure, whose pointer you provide
as an argument, for the new smart large object.
This new smart large object has the storage characteristics that the LO-specification structure you provide specifies.
- It opens the new smart large object in the specified access mode and returns an LO file descriptor that is needed for subsequent operations on the smart large object.
You must call ifx_lo_def_create_spec() before you call the ifx_lo_create() function to create a new smart large object.