Code set conversion errors
You can use the ATS and RIS files to identify problems that occur during code set conversion.
To specify which warnings and errors to suppress, use the CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN configuration parameter. For more information, see CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN Configuration Parameter
Each column in the RIS file begins with (W) if substitute characters were added to the column data or (E) if data was rejected because of a UTF-8 conversion failure.
Examples of conversion errors:
- On the source server, a row of data fails conversion to UTF-8 code set.
- Data sync error 63 is stored in an RIS file on the source server.
The RIS file contains the row that failed to convert; the failed row
is not converted and is not replicated on the target server. A list
of column names that failed to convert is also stored in the RIS file.
Example RIS file:
TXH Source ID:0 / Name:*UNKNOWN* / CommitTime: TXH Target ID:1 / Name:utm_group_1 / ReceiveTime:11-05-10 13:35:22 ---------- RRH Row:1 / Replicate Id: 65540 / Table: testdb@usr1.utf8tab / DbOp:Update RRH CDR:63 (Error while converting data from local database codeset to UTF8.) / SQL:0 / ISAM:0 LRH Failed column list: charcol (W), ncharcol (E) LRD 3|Lkqy|jvdHj@ifcjuWg|biLs|uk|RwvCZOpfpqruLAA|JloY|<27, TEXT, PB 1 (utm_group_1) 1305051204 (11/05/10 13:13:24)>|<4, TEXT, BB>| <18, CLOB, SB 1305051204 (11/05/10 13:13:24)> RRD |||||||| ========== TXH Transaction committed TXH Total number of rows in transaction:1
- On the source server, conversion from the local code set to UTF-8 resulted in the substitution of one or more characters in the row.
- Data sync error 65 is stored in an RIS file on the source server,
and the row is replicated. A list of column names that failed to convert
is also stored in the RIS file. Example RIS file:
TXH Source ID:0 / Name:*UNKNOWN* / CommitTime: TXH Target ID:1 / Name:utm_group_1 / ReceiveTime:11-05-10 13:32:14 ---------- RRH Row:1 / Replicate Id: 65540 / Table: testdb@usr1.utf8tab / DbOp:Update RRH CDR:65 (Substitute characters added while converting data from local database codeset to UTF8.) / SQL:0 / ISAM:0 LRH Failed column list: charcol (W), ncharcol (W), vchar (W), nvchar (W), lvchar (W) LRD 2|iU\VoJMZ|axhGRxKmDW|e@Xv|biLs|pyqasjUpAc{wCu|efM@}Vd|<22, TEXT, PB 1 (utm_group_1) 1305051204 (11/05/10 13:13:24)>|<36, TEXT, BB> |<15, CLOB, SB 1305051204 (11/05/10 13:13:24)> RRD |||||||| ========== TXH Transaction committed TXH Total number of rows in transaction:1
- On the target server, a row of data failed to convert from UTF-8 format to the local database code set.
- Data sync error 64 is stored in an ATS/RIS file on the target
server, and the row or transaction is aborted depending on the replicate
scope. A list of column names that failed to convert is also stored
in the RIS file. Example RIS file:
TXH Source ID:1 / Name:utm_group_1 / CommitTime:11-05-10 13:40:19 TXH Target ID:3 / Name:utm_group_3 / ReceiveTime:11-05-10 13:40:19 ---------- RRH Row:1 / Replicate Id: 65540 / Table: testdb@usr1.utf8tab / DbOp:Update RRH CDR:64 (Error while converting data from UTF8 to local database codeset.) / SQL:0 / ISAM:0 RRH Failed column list: vchar (E) RRD 3||jdicW|?|?|?|?|?|? ========== TXH Transaction aborted TXH ATS file:/usr4/nagaraju/utm/tmp/ats.utm_group_3.utm_group_1.D_3 .110510_13:40:19.2 has also been created for this transaction
- On the target server, conversion from UTF-8 to the local server code set resulted in the substitution of one or more characters in the row.
- Data sync error 66 is stored in a warning RIS file on the target
server, and the row is applied. A list of column names that failed
to convert is also stored in the RIS file. Example RIS file:
TXH Source ID:3 / Name:utm_group_3 / CommitTime:11-05-10 13:13:58 TXH Target ID:1 / Name:utm_group_1 / ReceiveTime:11-05-10 13:13:58 ---------- RRH Row:1 / Replicate Id: 65540 / Table: testdb@usr1.utf8tab / DbOp:Insert RRH CDR:66 (Substitute characters added while converting data from UTF8 to local database codeset.) / SQL:0 / ISAM:0 RRH Failed column list: charcol (W), ncharcol (W), vchar (W), nvchar (W), lvchar (W), textcol (W), textbcol (W), clobcol (W) RRD 99||keI||m||<46, TEXT, PB 3 (utm_group_3) 1305051238 (11/05/10 13:13:58)>|<68, TEXT, BB>|<13, CLOB, SB> ========== TXH Transaction committed TXH Total number of rows in transaction:1
- Text and CLOB data conversion failures
- If the conversion of text or CLOB data to UTF-8 fails on the source
server then the blob buffer is marked with the appropriate error and
the target servers create ATS/RIS files for these blob data conversion
failures. Example text column conversion error:
TXH Source ID:1 / Name:utm_group_1 / CommitTime:11-05-10 12:26:30 TXH Target ID:3 / Name:utm_group_3 / ReceiveTime:11-05-10 12:28:15 ---------- RRH Row:1 / Replicate Id: 65540 / Table: testdb@usr1.utf8tab / DbOp:Update RRH CDR:65 (Substitute characters added while converting data from local database codeset to UTF8.) / SQL:0 / ISAM:0 RRH Failed column list: textcol (W) LRD 2|<46, TEXT, PB 1 (utm_group_1) 1305048215 (11/05/10 12:23:35) >|<40, CLOB, SB 1305048215 (11/05/10 12:23:35)> RRD 2|<44, TEXT, PB 1 (utm_group_1) 1305048390 (11/05/10 12:26:30)>|<0(NoChange), CLOB, SB> ========== TXH Transaction committed TXH Total number of rows in transaction:1