Using a Local Encryption Key
These topics provide information about Local Encryption Key
To use a local encryption key, the operator must manually generate an encryption key of the appropriate size for the cipher you want to use (ie a 192-bit, or 24 byte long encryption key). Then store it in a text file in base64 format. The file must have 600 permissions in UNIX/Linux and must be readable only the DBSA. In Windows the file must be owned by the Administrators group or the Informix user and readable only by the owner.
Once the file has been created the full path to the file must be set in the BAR_ENCRYPTION configuration parameter together with the cipher to use.
openssl rand -base64 24 > /home/informix/etc/l_key192
openssl rand 16 | base64 > /home/informix/etc/l_key128
BAR_ENCRYPTION keyfile=/home/informix/etc/l_key192,cipher=aes192
The keystore used to hold local Master Encryption Keys for Storage Space Encryption is not supported by Integrated Backup Encryption.