onpsm -C detail output

Use the onpsm -C detail command to view details about the storage manager catalog tables.

Sample onpsm -C detail command output

D:\IFMXDATA\gacpsm>onpsm -C detail

                    OneDB™ Primary Storage Manager State:

    PSM Unique ID    : 1358735848
    Catalog Location : D:\database\1210\etc\psm\
    Catalog State    : Locked
    Catalog Owner    : 2
    Catalog Lock Mode: Regular

    Session ID       Process ID
    2                1576
    3                4556
    4                5555

                    OneDB PSM Locked Objects

Session  Object Id Date       Time     Server        Object Name

     3         116 2012-12-09 20:54:34 /gacpsm_tcp   /gacpsm_tcp/168/242
     4         117 2012-12-09 21:07:44 /gacpsm_tcp   /gacpsm_tcp/168/242

The output contains the following sections:

OneDB Primary Storage Manager State
Shows general information about all of the sessions that are active in the system and whether the catalog is locked.
PSM Unique ID
ID for the catalog
Catalog Location
Path to the catalog
Catalog State
Indicates whether the catalog is locked
Catalog Owner
OneDB Primary Storage Manager session ID
Catalog Lock Mode
Lock category

For example, Regular means that the lock is a user lock.

Lists all of the sessions that are active in the system and the process IDs that match the sessions.
Session ID
ID of the session. This is the same ID that appears in the Catalog Owner field.
Process ID
Internal ID for the ON-Bar, archecker, or storage manager process that is locking the catalog.
HCL OneDB PSM Locked Objects
Shows the locks in devices or objects that are held by storage manager sessions. For each lock, the output shows the session number, the object ID, the date and time that the lock was placed, the server, and the object name.