BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE configuration parameter
Use the BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE configuration parameter to specify the size of each transfer buffer.
- onconfig.std value
- 31 if the page size is 2 KB
- units
- pages
- range of values
- For storage managers that support long transfer buffers:
- 1 - 16383 pages when the page size is 4 KB
- 1 - 32766 pages when the page size is 2 KB
- takes effect
- When ON-Bar starts
The database server passes the transfer buffer to ON-Bar and the storage manager.
one transfer buffer KB = BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE * pagesize
can determine the system page size by running the onstat
-b command.The maximum size of the transfer buffer for most storage managers is 64 KB. supports long transfer buffer sizes of up to 65532 KB.
The maximum size of the transfer buffer for many storage managers is 64 KB. and HCL OneDB™ Primary Storage Manager support long transfer buffer sizes of up to 65532 KB.
memory KB = (BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE * pagesize) + 500 bytes/1028
The extra 500 bytes is for system use. For example, if BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE is 15, the transfer buffer can be 66,292 bytes, or 64.5 KB.
The number of transfer buffers per backup stream is specified by the value of the BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT configuration parameter, and the number of parallel backup streams is specified by the BAR_MAX_BACKUP configuration parameter.
For example, for a transfer buffer size of 128*2 KB (a value of 256 KB) on Linux, specify: