The onmode utility
Use the onmode utility to change the database server operating mode and perform various other operations on shared memory, sessions, transactions, parameters, and segments.
These topics show how to use the onmode options. If you do not use any options, the database server returns a usage statement.
On UNIX™, you must be user root or user informix to run the onmode utility.
On Windows™, you must be a member of the Informix-Admin group or the Administrators group to run the onmode utility.
For information on the onmode -b command, which is only used if you upgraded to a new version of OneDB and need to revert your databases to the previous version of the server, see Syntax of the onmode -b command in the HCL OneDB™ Migration Guide.
All onmode command options have equivalent SQL administration API command strings, except onmode -b, onmode -BC, and onmode -R.