What is the logical log?
To keep a history of transactions and database server changes since the time of the last storage-space backup, the database server generates log records. The database server stores the log records in the logical log, a circular file that is composed of three or more logical-log files. The log is called logical because the log records represent logical operations of the database server, as opposed to physical operations. At any time, the combination of a storage-space backup plus logical-log backup contains a complete copy of your database server data.
As the database server administrator, you must configure and manage the logical log. For example, if you do not back up the log files regularly, the logical log fills and the database server suspends processing.
- Choosing an appropriate location for the logical log
- Monitoring the logical-log file status
- Allocating an appropriate amount of disk space for the logical log
- Allocating additional log files whenever necessary
- Backing up the logical-log files to media
See Back up logical-log files and Freeing of logical-log files.
- Managing logging of blobspaces and sbspaces
See Log blobspaces and simple large objects and Log sbspaces and smart large objects.