The oncheck -cs option
The oncheck -cs and the oncheck -Cs options validate the metadata area of an sbspace. The following example shows an example of the -cs output for s9_sbspc. If you do not specify an sbspace name on the command line, oncheck checks and displays the metadata for all sbspaces.
Use the oncheck -cs output to see how much space is left in the metadata area. If it is full, allocate another chunk with adequate space for the metadata area. To find the number of used pages in the metadata area, total the numbers in the Used column. To find the number of free pages in the metadata area, total the numbers in the Free column.
For example, based on the field values displayed in the following figure, the total number of used pages in the metadata area for s9_sbspc is 33 2 KB pages (or 66 KB). The metadata area contains a total of 62 free pages (or 124 KB).
Validating space 's9_sbspc' ...
SBLOBspace Metadata Partition Partnum Used Free
s9_sbspc:'informix'.TBLSpace 0x200001 6 44
s9_sbspc:'informix'.sbspace_desc 0x200002 2 2
s9_sbspc:'informix'.chunk_adjunc 0x200003 2 2
s9_sbspc:'informix'.LO_hdr_partn 0x200004 21 11
s9_sbspc:'informix'.LO_ud_free 0x200005 2 3