Widgets and Live Text
Widgets and Live Text enables end users to see and act on Live Text in a document, including mail, using widgets (.XML files) created for their use. Power users and administrators can create and edit widgets, and deploy them to users to engage a Notes® form, view, XPage, document or Composite Application, or third party services such as Web page, feed, or Google Gadget™, or automatically install or update a client plug-in for specific Notes users.
Popular topics are as follows. Additional topics are available in the left pane navigator.
Getting started with Widgets and Live Text What Widgets and Live Text defaults are provided? What Widgets preferences can I set? What Live Text preferences can I set? Working with Widgets and Live Text - End users How do I control Live Text display? What can I do with a widget panel in the client sidebar? How do I add a widget to the My Widgets or client sidebar panel? |
Advanced Widgets and Live Text topics Advanced Widgets and Live Text topics - Power users or application developers External resources How to create a simple Web-based widget (Twitter) How to create a wired Google Gadget widget (area weather) |