預設情況下,HCL Notes®將開啟「發現」頁面,除非您將 Notes 設定為開啟「郵件」或「日曆」等應用程序,或開啟自訂主頁。預設的「發現」頁面是一個中心位置,您可以從中更加快速、輕鬆地找到目標 Notes 用戶端信息,包括版本中的新功能、新用戶的介紹性材料以及有用的提示和技巧。還有一個「快速連結」選項卡,可讓您啟動工作區、郵件、日曆和您最近使用過的其他 Notes 應用程式。
Learn about the many new features and enhancements in HCL Notes 14.
The following topics provide information about HCL Notes.
The HCL Notes® user interface is comprised of views menus, toolbars, navigation panes, and a sidebar that you can use for easy access to some frequently used applications.
您可以建立自己的主頁,其中包含來自 HCL Notes®和 Web 的對您來說重要的資訊。若要建立主頁,您可以使用主頁精靈。
您可以暫時變更框架的內容,僅適用於目前的 HCL Notes®工作階段。下次開啟 Notes 時,框架的內容將會回到您最初設定主頁時所選擇的內容。
在 Basics With Calendar 主頁上,您可以顯示每日提示,這是使用Notes® 的實用提示。您也可以顯示「新項目」按鈕,您可以使用這些按鈕直接從主頁建立新的郵件備忘錄、日曆條目、聯絡人、待辦事項或筆記本條目。
您可以將預設的 HCL Notes®主頁替換為另一種類型的主頁(稱為「我的工作」) 。我的工作有三個類似入口網站的選項卡,這些選項卡分為多個窗格,顯示您的郵件、日曆、待辦事項清單等。
The HCL Notes® workspace, the legacy user interface for Notes, displays pages containing Notes application icons.
Bookmarks are links that point to HCL Notes® applications, views, documents, or Internet elements, such as Web pages and news groups. Bookmark folders organize your bookmarks. They can contain bookmarks or more folders.
Views display specific documents with similar criteria. For example, your Mail has an All Documents view that displays every document contained in the mail application, and a Sent view that displays only documents that you sent.
You print a single document or multiple documents at the same time. You can also print views (lists of documents in an HCL Notes® application) and the framesets found in both Notes and the Web.
The topics in this section have been written for more advanced Notes users.
The following topics provide details for common tasks in HCL Notes.
You can send and answer email, create signatures, and customize the look of your Inbox. You can also do things, like cancel an email sent by mistake or set up out of office notifications.
You can schedule meetings, manage your schedule, add other calendars, and more.
You can keep track of what you need to do, and assign tasks to others.
You can save information about people, such as title, addresses, birthdays, and more. You can also do things such as create groups to use as mailing lists, or print contacts as labels.
An HCL Notes® application contains information about a particular area of interest, such as the forms and policy documents for a department, or it might contain documents of a similar type, such as email messages. In addition, some companies create "discussion applications," where employees can post responses to particular topics.
You can create your own personal Web logs (blogs) using the Notes® blog template (dominoblog.ntf). After you create a blog application, you can then open it as you would any other Notes® application (NSF) file. From your blog application, you can create and manage content and blog discussions.
This topic describes connections to servers, ways to connect to servers, and things you should know before setting up a server connection.
You can program Notes® to perform tasks automatically using agents (also known as macros). Agents can help you perform repetitive tasks, such as managing documents and sending memos.
You can share files and graphics between HCL Notes® and other applications using a number of different techniques.
As a Notes® roaming user, you can log in to and use Notes from any computer in your organization on which Notes is installed, and use your personal data while doing so. Your personal data includes many of your Notes preferences and personal information such as your contacts, bookmarks, notebook, feeds subscriptions, and optionally your Notes workspace. Notes widgets also participate in roaming.
You can create an offline (local) duplicate of any HCL Notes® application you use. Such a duplicate is called a replica.
You can use search to find documents, text in a document, applications, and people. You can also set search preferences for type of search query syntax and scope of search.
HCL Notes® security enables you to protect your workspace and data at all times, so only you and the people you designate have access to your data.
Widgets and Live Text enables end users to see and act on Live Text in a document, including mail, using widgets (.XML files) created for their use. Power users and administrators can create and edit widgets, and deploy them to users to engage a Notes® form, view, XPage, document or Composite Application, or third party services such as Web page, feed, or Google Gadget™, or automatically install or update a client plug-in for specific Notes users.