How to use HTML templates to control how a blog looks and feels

HTML templates control how your blog looks and feels. Each template combines HTML with special system tags to display the resulting Web pages in a browser.

  1. Open your blog.
  2. Click Advanced in the navigator.
  3. In the new blog tab that opens, expand the HTML Templates section.
  4. Click any of the views to see or edit the templates provided for each template type:
    Table 1. HTML templates

    Template type (View)


    Page templates

    Page templates determine the appearance of Web page layout. For example, you use the Document template for each content document; and use the Home Page template for the home page of the blog, and so on.

    Item templates

    Use Item templates to control the appearance of content lists. For example, each entry on your home page is formatted using an item template. Archive lists, such as By Month and By Category lists, are also formatted using the item template.

    Block templates

    These templates are used to simplify HTML template maintenance. If you have a block of HTML code that is used in multiple page templates, you use a block template for that code and then refer to the block template within the page template. For example, you can use block template to define a header or sidebar that is used on multiple pages in the site.

    Web client templates

    In addition to managing your blog using HCL Notes®, you can use Web clients to manage your blog. To control the appearance of the Web editor, you can edit the Web client template, which allows you to add your own styles and to add or remove features without having to change the underlying Notes® template design.