How do I add a widget to the My Widgets or client sidebar panel?
Add a widget to your client or My Widgets sidebar panel in any of the following ways.
About this task
- To add a widget from the My Widgets sidebar panel to the client
sidebar, do the following:
Right-click the widget in the My Widgets sidebar panel, click Properties and check the Add as a panel on startup option.
- Open the target Notes® form, view, XPage, or document
or the Web page, feeds XML page (for example, ending with an .rss
file extension), or Google Gadget™ page from
the gadget catalog. For example, navigate to a specific and searchable Notes® view
or a simple Web gadget such as a tool that tracks weather by zip code.
Click the Add as a Panel toolbar button.Note: If you are using this method to add a Web page, gadget, or feed to the sidebar, you must use the embedded browser. To enabled Web display in Notes®, click .
The widget appears as a new sidebar panel item and will appear in your sidebar each time you start Notes. Using this method creates the widget with the option Add as a panel on startup.
- To add an existing widget to the My Widgets sidebar panel, do
any of the following:
- Browse the widget catalog and drag and drop the widget that you want to your My Widgets sidebar panel.
- Drag and drop an emailed widget to your My Widgets sidebar panel.
- Select one or more widget documents in the widget catalog and select .
- Import or drag and drop a widget from your file system to your My Widgets sidebar panel.
- Select a category in the Widgets preferences to install all widgets included in that category from the widget catalog.