How do I obtain my roaming data?

After your administrator configures you as a Notes® roaming user, you can work on any computer on which Notes® is installed and your roaming-enabled data will replicate automatically.

About this task

As a roaming user, Notes® enables your replication schedule and sets it to replicate your roaming-enabled data on the replication schedule and when you start or exit Notes®. The roaming-enabled data that is replicated is the content of your Roaming Application folder on the Replicator page.


  1. Log in to and start Notes® on an available computer.
  2. Connect to your mail server and your Notes® mail.
  3. If you have just been upgraded to roaming user, respond to prompts as described in related topics.

    While your roaming-enabled data is being replicated you can continue to work in Notes®. You will be notified, when roaming user upgrade and data replication are complete.

    Once you have been upgraded to a roaming user and your roaming-enabled files are ready, a message may appear either stating that Notes® will exit or prompting you to restart Notes®.

  4. Restart Notes®. A local replica of your roaming-enabled data is received from your roaming server and is now available on this computer.