How can I import graphics files?
You can import several types of graphics files -- BMP, CGM, GIF, JPEG, ® PIC, PCX, and TIFF 5.0 -- into a rich-text field in an IBM® Notes® document.
About this task
Graphics must be imported into Notes® individually. If a file contains more than one graphic, Notes® imports only the first graphic.
Imported graphics may look different in Notes® because their fonts, colors, text sizes, and overall size are converted to Notes® equivalents. You may want to experiment with a graphic's appearance in its original application before you import it into Notes®.
Before you import scanned images into Notes®, save them as BMP, PCX, or TIFF files. If you're not satisfied with the appearance of your scanned images, adjust the dots per inch (DPI®) setting or the image size setting in your scanner software if possible. Start with 75 DPI® and 100% size, increasing the DPI® and decreasing the size until you're satisfied with the results. In general, higher DPI® settings result in larger images in Notes®. However, be aware that different monitors can display the scanned image differently.
Perform the following steps:
- Edit the document, and then click where you want the imported file to appear.
- Click . (This option is dim if the field you have clicked is not a rich-text field.)
- Click the image type you are importing in the Files of type list.
- Select the file's drive and directory and then select the file.
- Click Import.