How do I create bookmarks?
You can create a bookmark in a number of different ways.
About this task
- Right-click a document or window tab and choose Create Bookmark.
- Drag a window tab to the Open list, Bookmark bar, or a bookmark folder in the top section of the Open list.
- Drag an IBM® Notes® application icon on the workspace to the Open list or a bookmark folder.
- In a Notes® application, choose .
- To bookmark to a URL, from an external browser drag the icon that displays next to the URL to one of your bookmark folders or the Open list. From the embedded browser in which a Web page appears as a window tab when you open a website, drag the URL address.
Note: When you drag a bookmark
to the Open list, there is a slight pause before
the list opens. Once the Open list displays,
you can drop the bookmark in the location you want.