Welcome to the HCL Nomad for web browsers COM Helper beta 3
Nomad for web browsers was released in 2021. For more information, see HCL Nomad for web browsers. This page is to solicit feedback on some content that is in beta.
In order to have HCL Nomad for web browsers successfully process COM calls from agents and buttons, the Windows client machine will need to have our HCL Nomad for web browsers COM Helper installed.
The installer configures Chrome to load an HCL Nomad COM Chrome extension from the Chrome web store, and configures it to work with the domain specified during the install. Additionally, the installer lays down a native program that the Chrome extension will leverage. Once installed, Domino applications in Nomad that make COM calls will flow through the Chrome extension to the native application.
What's new in beta 3?
- Beta 3 requires Nomad for web browsers 1.0.14.
- Managing the whitelist has moved from a Registry key to a file in the installation directory. See Configuration for more details.
Beta Support
As this is a beta application, please do not use in a production environment and do not open support tickets through HCL Support. We do want your feedback, so please drop us an email to: "Hey HCL" <hey-hcl@pnp-hcl.com> with the subject: Nomad COM Beta.