
Creating local replicas


  1. Open the application.
  2. Select File > Application > Make Available Offline OR from the Workspace right-click on the icon and select Application > Make Available Offline.
  3. Complete the following fields and click OK.
    File path File name with optional path for the replica.
    How much data do you want to receive?
    • Select All documents to replicate all documents. Or, select Documents that meet a selection formula and input a formula to select the documents to replicate.
    • To prevent large attachments from replicating, select Limit attachment size and enter a size limit. Documents with attachments larger than the limit are replicated without the attachments.
    Do you want to remove documents from the replica to save space? To remove older unchanged documents from the local replica, select Remove documents not modified in the last XX days. Enter the number of days after which unchanged documents are deleted to save space.


To open the local replica, select Open > Open Application, and open the nsf from Local.

You can also open the replica from the Workspace icon (stacked or unstacked).

Managing local replicas


  1. To open the Replication page, select select Open > Replication.

    A list of your local replicas is shown that includes the last replication time and replication summary for each one.

  2. Choose an action:
    • To replicate all local replicas, select Replicate All.
    • To replicate one local replica, control-click and select Replicate Selected Application.
    • To delete a local replica, control-click and select Remove.