z/OS considerations for HCL Launch
HCL Launch includes support for the z/OS platform. Although the articles in this Knowledge Center for using HCL Launch to deploy applications, certain platform-specific configuration factors must be considered when using a z/OS model.
An example of a standard enterprise application topology for the z/OS platform is shown. The z/OS components run on CICS with virtual storage access method (VSAM) for the data source. Some of the web and mobile components also run on z/OS using an application platform such as IBM WebSphere for z/OS. Some components run on distributed platforms.
Additional information for the z/OS platform can be found in https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/zosbasics/com.ibm.zos.zmainframe/toc.htm

These characteristics require the following considerations, as detailed in these areas of HCL Launch.