Using instant meetings

You can use IBM® Sametime® to host and attend instant meetings.

Before you begin

Your IBM Sametime server must have web conferencing capability in order to use this feature.

About this task

To hold an instant meeting, first start a chat with one person, and then invite others to your chat session.

When you initiate an instant meeting, or at any time during the meeting, you can add tools to your meeting. Some of the tools require additional software or hardware, such as speakers and video cameras.
Note: You can only add tools once for an instant meeting, but you can add more than one tool at one time. For example, if you add screen sharing, you cannot click add tools again to add audio.


  1. From an instant messaging chat window, click Invite Others.
  2. For each person you want to invite, enter a name or click Browse the Directory , select a name, then click Add.
  3. After you have added all the names to the Invitees list, click Send.
  4. (Optional) Click Add tools to add any of the following online tools to your meeting.
    • Screen sharing -- to share your screen with meeting attendees.
    • Whiteboard -- to present an attached file or use the whiteboard tools to highlight portions of a presentation.
    • Audio -- to use the microphone in your computer, or use your phone to access the audio portion of a meeting.
    • Video -- to use one or more video cameras to view participants in the meeting.
    Tip: To send an instant message to someone in the participants list of an active meeting, double-click a name, enter your message, and press Enter.

What to do next

Once you are in the meeting, you are in the IBM Sametime Meeting Room client. Click Help > Help Topics for information about working in meetings.