Using Maps
To use maps, you must already have the schemas that define your data. The maps uses the data object definitions that are stored in the schemas.
Maps are used to:
- Specify the logic necessary to transform the input data to the desired output data.
- Identify the source and data objects of the input data.
- Validate and resolve the source data type properties defined in the schemas.
- Identify the target and data objects of the output data.
- Specify and build the output data according to the map rules.
- Provide information about data validation by generating trace files.
- View the run results of the map execution.
After defining data objects and their properties in the schemas, you define a map
where map cards specify the input source and the output target.
- Define the type properties of input and output data.
- Specify restrictions of input data for item types.
- Specify desired validation of input data in component rules.
- Save and anaylyze the schema.