Configuring MongoDB connections, actions, cards and nodes

To configure MongoDB connections definitions, and manage databases and collections effectively, follow these steps:

Configuring MongoDB Connection Definition:
  1. Authentication Database Identification: Identify the authentication database associated with the specified user for MongoDB. Note that the default authentication database is the admin database.
  2. Provide Authentication Database Value: Within your MongoDB connection definition settings, locate the Auth Database property. Input the identified authentication database value into this property. This ensures that the connection uses the correct database for authentication.
  3. Browse and Select Database: After setting the authentication database, you can proceed to explore the available databases hosted on your MongoDB server. From the list of databases presented, choose the desired database that you want to utilize.
  4. Direct Input for Database Values (Optional): If you already know the exact values for the authentication database and the database you intend to use, you have the flexibility to directly type these values into the respective Auth Database and Database property fields, bypassing the browsing step.
Configuring MongoDB Action, Card, or Node Definition:
  1. Validate Connection and Database Settings: Before initiating the configuration process for MongoDB actions, cards, or nodes, ensure that you have established a valid MongoDB connection and defined the appropriate database settings relevant to your operation.
  2. Browse and Select Collection: Within the configuration interface for your MongoDB action, card, or node, provided that a valid connection and database values are in place, you will be presented with an option to explore and select a collection from the specified database. Navigate through the available collections and choose the specific collection you wish to use, setting it for the Collection property.
  3. Direct Input for Collection Value (Optional): Alternatively, if you are already aware of the specific collection name you want to utilize for your MongoDB action, card, or node, you can directly input this collection name into the Collection property field, thereby specifying the collection without needing to browse and select it.