Bytes message
The body is a stream or an array of uninterpreted bytes. The adapter is able to handle data to and from a Bytes message type.
When the adapter receives a Bytes message, it always base64 encodes the body of the message.
When sending a message:
- If -TEXT command is not specified and if the adapter fails to parse the received data as XML, and if this data does not start and end with "<Message " and "</Message>", respectively (the double quotes do not count, but the space character after the <Message value does), it interprets it as binary data, not base64 encoded, and dumps the data into a Bytes message.
- If the adapter locates the <Body> element in the data and it has the type attribute set to "Bytes", the content of the <Body> element is always interpreted as base64 encoded data.
To base64 encode a message to be sent in an output card, use the TEXTTOBASE64 engine function.
To base64 decode a message received from an input card, use the BASE64TOTEXT engine function.
For more information about these engine functions, see the Functions and Expressions documentation.