Column Definition

Use the column definition segment of the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement to declare the name and data type of a single column of the new external table.

Column Definition

1  SAMEAS template
1 + , column  data_type %Other Optional Clauses
Other Optional Clauses

1?  EXTERNAL CHAR ( size )
2.1?  NULL ' null_string '
2.1?  NOT NULL
Element Description Restrictions Syntax
column One column name for each column of the external table For each column, you must specify a built-in data type Identifier
data_type Data type of the column The data_type can be any data type supported by Informix®. Data Type
template Existing table with the same schema as the external table Cannot be a subset of columns nor differ in any column data type Database Object Name
size Column size in bytes. Default is 1. Integer; 1 size 32,767 Literal Number
null_string Value to represent NULL See Defining NULL Values. Quoted String