Time Data Types

The time data types store calendar dates, points in time, and intervals of time.

Time Data Types

1  INTERVAL  %INTERVAL Field Qualifier1
1 2 DATETIME  %DATETIME Field Qualifier3

The following table summarizes the built-in time data types.

Data Type
Stores a date value as a Julian date in the range from January 1 of the year 1 up to December 31, 9999.
Stores a point-in-time date (year, month, day) and time-of-day (hour, minute, second, and fraction of second), in the range of years 1 to 9999. Also supports contiguous subsets of these time units.
Stores spans of time, in years and/or months, or in smaller time units (days, hours, minutes, seconds, and/or fractions of second), with up to 9 digits of precision in the largest time unit, if this is not FRACTION. Also supports contiguous subsets of these time units.

For the order of precedence among the Informix® environment variables that can specify the display and data entry format of the built-in time data types, see the topic Precedence of DATE and DATETIME format specifications.