List of SQLSTATE Codes

This table describes the class codes, subclass codes, and the meaning of all valid warning and error codes associated with the SQLSTATE variable.
Class Subclass Meaning
00 000 Success.
01 000 Success with warning.
01 002 Disconnect error. Transaction rolled back.
01 003 NULL value eliminated in set function.
01 004 String data, right truncation.
01 005 Insufficient item descriptor areas.
01 006 Privilege not revoked.
01 007 Privilege not granted.
01 I01 Database has transactions.
01 I03 ANSI-compliant database selected.
01 I04 HCL Informix® database server selected.
01 I05 Float to decimal conversion was used.
01 I06 Informix® extension to ANSI-compliant syntax.
01 I07 UPDATE or DELETE statement does not have a WHERE clause.
01 I08 An ANSI keyword was used as a cursor name.
01 I09 Cardinalities of the projection list and of the INTO list are not equal.
01 I10 Database server running in secondary mode.
01 I11 Dataskip is turned on.
02 000 No data found.
07 000 Dynamic SQL error.
07 001 USING clause does not match dynamic parameters.
07 002 USING clause does not match target specifications.
07 003 Cursor specification cannot be executed.
07 004 USING clause is required for dynamic parameters.
07 005 Prepared statement is not a cursor specification.
07 006 Restricted data type attribute violation.
07 008 Invalid descriptor count.
07 009 Invalid descriptor index.
08 000 Connection exception.
08 001 Database server rejected the connection.
08 002 Connection name in use.
08 003 Connection does not exist.
08 004 Client unable to establish connection.
08 006 Transaction rolled back.
08 007 Transaction state unknown.
08 S01 Communication failure.
0A 000 Feature not supported.
0A 001 Multiple server transactions.
21 000 Cardinality violation.
21 S01 Insert value list does not match column list.
21 S02 Degree of derived table does not match column list.
22 000 Data exception.
22 001 String data, right truncation.
22 002 NULL value, no indicator parameter.
22 003 Numeric value out of range.
22 005 Error in assignment.
22 027 Data exception trim error.
22 012 Division by zero (0).
22 019 Invalid escape character.
22 024 Unterminated string.
22 025 Invalid escape sequence.
23 000 Integrity constraint violation.
24 000 Invalid cursor state.
25 000 Invalid transaction state.
2B 000 Dependent privilege descriptors still exist.
2D 000 Invalid transaction termination.
26 000 Invalid SQL statement identifier.
2E 000 Invalid connection name.
28 000 Invalid user-authorization specification.
33 000 Invalid SQL descriptor name.
34 000 Invalid cursor name.
35 000 Invalid exception number.
37 000 Syntax error or access violation in PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.
3C 000 Duplicate cursor name.
40 000 Transaction rollback.
40 003 Statement completion unknown.
42 000 Syntax error or access violation.
S0 000 Invalid name.
S0 001 Base table or view table already exists.
S0 002 Base table not found.
S0 011 Index already exists.
S0 021 Column already exists.
S1 001 Memory allocation failure.
IX 000 Informix® reserved error message.