PATH environment variable

The UNIX PATH environment variable tells the shell which directories to search for executable programs. You must add the directory containing your HCL Informix® product to your PATH setting before you can use the product.

1  setenv PATH $PATH: + : pathname
Specifies the search path for the executable files.

Include a colon ( : ) separator between the path names on UNIX systems. (Use the semicolon ( ; ) separator between path names on Windows systems.)

You can specify the search path in various ways. The PATH environment variable tells the operating system where to search for executable programs. You must include the directory that contains your HCL Informix® product in your path setting before you can use the product. This directory should be located before $INFORMIXDIR/bin, which you must also include.

For additional information about how to modify your path, see Modifying an environment-variable setting.