Preparing 12.10 BSON columns with DATE fields for upgrade

Before you upgrade from Informix® 12.10 you must unload binary JSON (BSON) columns with DATE fields into JSON format so that you can load them into Informix® 14.10

About this task

Perform the following steps on the 12.10 server.


  1. Create an external table with a similar name as the original table and with JSON (instead of BSON) format for the date.
    For example, assume that the original table named datetab has a BSON column named i that has DATE fields in it. Use the following statement to create an empty, external table named ext_datetab that has a JSON column with DATE fields. The DATAFILES clause specifies the location and name of the delimited data file, which in this example is disk:/tmp/dat.unl.
    create external table ext_datetab (j int, i json) using
            (datafiles ("disk:/tmp/dat.unl"),
            format "delimited");
  2. Unload the data from the original table into the external table.
    For example:
    insert into ext_datetab select j, i::json from datetab;

What to do next

Complete other pre-migration steps. After you upgrade to the new server, you must load the JSON columns with DATE fields from the external table into a new table in BSON format.