Collection methods

Informix® supports a subset of the MongoDB collection methods.

The collection methods are run on a JSON collection or a relational table. The syntax for collection methods in the mongo shell is db.collection_name.collection_method(), where db refers to the current database, collection_name is the name of the JSON collection or relational table, collection_method is the MongoDB collection method. For example, db.cartype.count() determines the number of documents that are contained in the cartype collection.

Table 1. Supported collection methods
Collection method JSON collections Relational tables Details
aggregate No No
count Yes Yes
createIndex Yes Yes

For more information, see Index creation.

dataSize Yes No
distinct Yes Yes
drop Yes Yes
dropIndex Yes Yes
dropIndexes Yes No
ensureIndex Yes Yes

For more information, see Index creation.

find Yes Yes You can use the Informix® $nativeCursor query modifier with the addSpecial function.
findAndModify Yes Yes

For relational tables, findAndModify is supported only for tables that have a primary key. This method is not support sharded data.

findOne Yes Yes
getIndexes Yes No
getShardDistribution No No
getShardVersion No No
getIndexStats No No
group No No
indexStats No No
insert Yes Yes
isCapped Yes Yes This command returns false because capped collections are not supported in Informix®.
mapReduce No No
reIndex No No
remove Yes Yes The justOne option is not supported. This command deletes all documents that match the query criteria.
renameCollection No No
save Yes No
stats Yes No
storageSize Yes No
totalSize Yes No
update Yes Yes The multi option is supported for JSON collections if in the wire listener properties file. For relational tables, the multi-parameter is ignored and all documents that meet the query criteria are updated. If, all documents that match the query criteria are updated.
validate No No

For more information about the MongoDB features, see