Run the Run Job or Run Project commands

To run the Run Job or Run Project commands with the onpladm utility, enter a user name and password in the Host Information tab of the SETNET32 utility of the Informix® Client Software Development Kit.

For more information about the SETNET32 utility, see the Informix® Client Products Installation Guide.

If you do not enter the user name and user password, you receive the following error:
Cannot execute stored procedure start_onpload SQL ERROR -668  
If you receive this error, the online log file contains the following message:
System() command "$INFORMIXDIR/bin/onpload -H hostname -S
servername -rl -fb" in SPL routine cannot be executed because user
"username" did not connect with a password.  

To run other commands with the onpladm utility, you do not have to enter a user name and password.