Reviewing records that the conversion rejected

When you run a load job, onpload creates a file that contains information about records of the data file that the conversion rejected.

About this task

This file is named basename.rej where basename is the base name that you selected in step 7 of Creating a load job. When you use a generate option to create the components for a load job, basename is /tmp/jobname where jobname is the name that you selected for the unload job.

To review rejected records:


  1. On the HPL main window, select the project that contains your load job.
  2. Choose Browser > Record to display the Record Browser window.
  3. Type the name of the format to be applied to the rejected-records file in the Format text box. Or, click the format name in the list box.
  4. Type the name of the rejected-records file in the Data File text box. Or, click the down arrow and select a data file from the selection list.
  5. Click OK to display the second Record Browser window.
  6. You can take the following actions:
    • Type the record number that you want to view. Click Select.
    • Click Next to display the next record.
    • Click Previous to display the previous record.
  7. Click Cancel to return to the HPL main window.