Generating a job that uses a query
When you generate from the Unload Job window, ipload creates a format, a map, a job, and, if needed, a device array. You can generate an unload job that uses a query to select from one or more tables or that unloads an entire table.
About this task
To generate a job that uses a query
- Follow the instructions in Creating a query to create a query.
- Choose Unload Job Select window. from the HPL main window to display the
- Click Create in the Selection Type group.
- Select a name for the unload job and type it in the Job Name text box.
- Click OK to display the Unload Job window.
Click Generate.
The Autogenerate Unload Components window appears, as the following figure shows.
- Click Query in the Unload From group.
Enter the name of the query.
You can use the down arrow to see selection lists. When you unload from a table, you do not enter a query.
Click Device Array or File in
the Unload To group.
- If you click Device Array, you can use the down arrow to see a list of the available device arrays.
- If you click File, ipload creates a device array of the same name as the unload job and inserts the specified file into that device array.
Important: If you are executing onpload from the command line during an unload job, you must first create the file. -
Click OK to generate the components
of the unload job.
The display returns to the Unload Job window. The ipload utility completes the Unload Job window. If you chose cust_out for the unload job name (step 4), the Unload Job window appears as the following figure shows.
Click Save to save this Unload Job.
You can click Run to run the job, or click Cancel to exit and run the job later.
- To run the job, click Run to display the Active Job window.
- When the Active Job window displays Job Completed, click Cancel to return to the main HPL window.