The Machines window
The following figure shows the Machines window.
If you select SPARCstation from the Machine Type selection
list, the following values appear in the Machines window.
Display option | Description |
Machine Type | Name for the computer type that this entry describes. |
Byte Order | Bit ordering of binary information for this computer. The two possible formats are LSB and MSB. In the LSB format, the least-significant bits of a value are at lower memory addresses. In the MSB format, the most-significant bits of a value are at lower memory addresses. |
Short Size | Number of bytes required to hold a short integer value. |
Integer Size | Number of bytes required to hold an integer. |
Long Size | Number of bytes required to hold a long-integer value. |
Float Size | Number of bytes required to hold a floating-point value. |
Double Size | Number of bytes required to hold a double-sized floating-point value. |