Adding an existing replicate to a grid replicate set by using cdr change replicateset
You can use the cdr change replicateset command to add replicates created outside of a grid environment to a grid replicate set.
Before you begin
- All the replicate participants are members of the grid. Replicate participants must include every member node of the grid, and no additional participants.
- Each replicate participant's information refers to the same database, owner, table name and SELECT statement.
- The replicated table schema is the same among all participants.
- The replicate does not belong to an exclusive replicate set.
To add a replicate to a grid replicate set by using the cdr
remaster command:
- Use the cdr remaster command to convert the replicate to a mastered replicate.
- Run the cdr change replicateset command
with the --add option and specifying the grid replicate
set. For example, the following command adds a replicate named vendors to the grid1 grid replicate set:
cdr change replicateset --add grid1 vendors
field shows Grid