How to create a DataBlade® module

While the tools run only on Windows, you can create DataBlade® modules for both Windows and UNIX operating systems for the C, C++, and Java languages. The tools you use on each operating system and for each programming language vary.

The following table describes, in order, the tasks needed to create a DataBlade® module and the tools you use to complete the tasks.

To perform this task Use this tool on UNIX Use this tool on Windows
Write the design and functional specifications. Your word-processing program Your word-processing program
Create your DataBlade® module:
  • Set up a project for your DataBlade® module.
  • Import objects from other DataBlade® modules.
  • Define new objects for your DataBlade® module.
  • Add validation test data for your new routines, opaque types, and casts.
  • Generate source code, SQL scripts, installation files, and unit and functional test files.
Edit the source code to add C, C++, or Java code for routines, as needed. Your development tool or text editor For C or C++ code: Microsoft Visual C++

For Java code: your development tool or text editor

Compile your source code. For C or C++ code: your compiler

For Java code: Java software development kit

For C or C++ code: Microsoft Visual C++

For Java code: Java software development kit

Install your DataBlade® module. Operating system copy command or FTP For C or C++ code: DBDK Visual C++ Add-In

For Java code: operating system copy of FTP

Register your DataBlade® module in your test database. For all code:
  • BladeManager
  • Informix®1
For C or C++ code:
  • DBDK Visual C++ Add-In
  • Informix®
For Java code:
  • BladeManager
  • Informix®1
Debug your DataBlade® module by running unit tests. For C or C++ code:
  • a debugging utility
  • DB-Access or a client application
  • Informix®
For Java code:
  • the Java log file
  • DB-Access or a client application
  • Informix®1
For C or C++ code:
  • Microsoft Visual C++
  • DBDK Visual C++ Add-In
  • IfxQuery or other SQL query tool
  • Informix®
For Java code:
  • the Java log file
  • an SQL query tool
  • Informix®1
Validate your DataBlade® module with functional tests. For all code:
  • DB-Access
  • Informix®1
For all code:
  • MKS Toolkit
  • DB-Access
  • Informix®1
Package your DataBlade® module:
  • Add examples, online help files, and any other files you want to include to the project.
  • Define any additional components for a selective installation.
  • Perform optional customizations for installation packages.
  • Build the installation package.
Transfer files to the installation media. Your operating system Your operating system
Document your DataBlade® module with a users guide, release notes, examples, and online help, as needed. Your word-processing program Your word-processing program
  1. You must use the J/Foundation option for HCL Informix® to enable services that use Java. For more information about J/Foundation, see the J/Foundation Developer's Guide.