Java language

The enables you to create database objects in Java.

You can create user-defined routines, cast support functions, aggregates, and opaque data type support routines in Java. You can also create Java value objects to represent opaque data types on a client computer. You cannot create Java routines that take row or collection data types.

The code generated for Java by the DataBlade® Developers Kit uses Informix® JDBC Driver methods to communicate with the database server. Informix® JDBC Driver supports the JDBC 2.0 API. You can use the JDBC 2.0 API to create database applications in Java.

For more information about Informix® JDBC Driver, see the Informix® JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.

For a complete discussion about creating user-defined routines in Java, see the J/Foundation Developer's Guide.
Important: You must use the J/Foundation option for HCL Informix® to enable services that use Java. For more information about J/Foundation, see the J/Foundation Developer's Guide.