Create and use extended data types in Informix®

This chapter describes extended data types that you can use to build an object-relational database. The term object-relational is not associated with a particular method or model of database design, but instead refers to any database that uses HCL Informix® features to extend the functionality of the database.

An object-relational database is not antithetical to a relational database but rather is an extension of functionality already present in a relational database. Typically, you use some combination of features from Informix® to extend the kinds of data that your database can store and manipulate. These features include extended data types, smart large objects, type and table inheritance, user-defined casts, and user-defined routines (UDRs). The chapters in this section of the manual describe many of these features. For information about UDRs, see Informix® User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide and the Informix® Guide to SQL: Tutorial.

For an example of an object-relational database, you can create the superstores_demo database, which contains examples of some of the features available with Informix®. For information about how to create the superstores_demo database, see the Informix® DB-Access User's Guide.